A dissertation is the result of students’ extensive learning and practical skills. Writing it is not an easy task. It requires patience, determination and academic excellence to undertake the task. A dissertation is a completely research-based project. The quality of any dissertation depends on the research conducted for it. We can say that a dissertation is as good as the research conducted for it. Well, if you are worried about how to conduct research for dissertation or which research methodology to use, this article has you covered. We shall explain the best practical methods to conduct dissertation research. We may begin by explaining the importance of research.
Importance of Dissertation Research
The importance of research cannot be emphasised enough. Research is the wheel that drives human progress. All the progress in the world is owed to research. Since the cognitive revolution, man has used research as a tool to make progress possible. Quality research is the soul of a good dissertation. The only purpose of a dissertation is to present new research or to extend previous researches. In this context, the quality of research is important. Researchers require a lot of creativity. It is through research only that man has made several breakthroughs in different fields.
A good dissertation research is bound to fascinate the experts and researchers in a specific field. It also fills the research gaps in several areas. In this way, it helps establish the missing links between events and explain different phenomena unknown to humans. For students in masters and doctorate, dissertation research is of paramount importance. Through conducting excellent research in their respective fields, they can open many doors of opportunities. The international organisations and research institutions are actively looking for brilliant minds with new research ideas. Before conducting dissertation research, it is important to discuss its methodology. In the paragraph below, two major types of researches are provided.
Methodology of Dissertation Research
There are two types of dissertation research: qualitative and quantitative. All the methods of conducting research fall under their ambit. These two major classifications explain different methods involved in research. We explain these methodologies first.
Qualitative Method
This method typically deals with non-numerical data. In qualitative method, the researcher gathers and analyses subjective data such as texts, theories and opinions to create new research. Although this research method is more subjective than the quantitative one, it provides important insights in an under-researched area. It also uses anecdotal evidence to establish new research or fill the gap in previous research. The qualitative method can also utilise factual data to consolidate the research.
Quantitative Method
This method is based on numerical data. It is contrary to qualitative research which is based on subjectivity and non-numerical data. Quantitative method is used for dissertation research which is scientific in nature such as biology, physics, chemistry, etc. It gets inspiration from empiricist school of thought that focuses on factual information. On the contrary, qualitative method is used for research in social sciences.
Practical methods for Dissertation Research
There are many methods of conducting dissertation research. However, we are going to discuss methods with the most practicality. Some of them fall under the ambit of qualitative methodology and some under quantitative methodology.
It is a qualitative method of acquiring data. It involves observing people, things, patterns or characteristics things. It is not a scientific method based on factual data. Observations only involve drawing conclusions through watching various patterns. The method involves direct, indirect and participant observation. In direct observation, the researcher maintains objectivity and does not partake in the process. In indirect observation, the researcher relies on the observation of someone else. In participant observation, the researcher is himself a part of the observation.
In this method, results are drawn after conducting various experiments and establishing factual opinions. An experiment is performed with the help of various techniques and procedures. Researchers control many variables during the experiment and then come to a conclusion. The experiments give quantitative results. It is one of the most effective methods for dissertation research.
Surveys and Questionnaires
These are the most commonly used methods for gathering research information. Surveys and questionnaires ask multiple questions from a large sample population. Afterwards, the surveys are analysed to draw conclusions. A certain pattern is identified from the answers of the people which then helps the survey performers to draw meaningful results.
Focus Groups
It is a qualitative research method in which a small group answers certain questions in a controlled setting. These focus groups are helpful in identifying consumer decisions and improving services. a focus group involves six to twelve participants with an experienced moderator. The activity lasts for 90 to 120 minutes and a thorough report of the session is presented afterwards.
Literature Review
Reviewing the literature already available on the research question is helpful for conducting dissertation research. Exploring previous data helps researchers to comprehend the research question. It also helps them identify the under-researched topics. Gathering information from secondary data sources saves your time. You do not have to start the research on that topic all over again. You can build upon the research work of someone else.
Conducting interviews is a non-cognitive method of data collection. It is the method in which the researcher directly questions a person and records his response. It is an effective method of conducting dissertation research. The interviews may be structured or unstructured. The difference between them is that structured interviews are preplanned while unstructured interviews are not.
Hiring a Dissertation Writing Service
Conducting dissertation research is a hectic task and may require external help. It is a task that requires skill and creativity. However, if a person is short on time, he can hire a dissertation writing service which undertakes thework. These professional services provide you with good quality research.
A dissertation is as good as the research conducted for it. Good quality research is indispensable for the success of the dissertation. In the wake of this, it is important to select good research methods. This article provides 7 practical methods for conducting dissertation research. Make sure to utilise these methods if you want to do meaningful research.